
2012-03-06 16:02 发布

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凯德 (北京) 展览展示有限责任公司作为展览业的优势企业,移植德国的展览资源平台。

As a competitive enterprise in exhibition industry, Cat( Bei Jing )Exhibition Design Co., Ltd, possess the golden opportunity to share the rice resources of the exhibition from Germany.
The company is specializing in exhibition, special design of structures, public relation activities and value-added services of related fields.
With the professional design team, the company provides customers with a wealth of creative design ideas which can closely fit customer enterprise characteristics. Experienced project management and construction team provide customers with all-round comprehensive professional services. All the capabilities can assure the completion of the activities with the high quality.
The headquarters of CAT is located in Beijing Sanyuanqiao. Subsidiary company and partners are set in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Stuttgart Germany.
With the provision of professional service for Top 500 global enterprises, CAT has become the strategic partner of international brands.
High-orientation, first rate-service.
Different and meaningful display methods we generate definitely bring customers a more competitive market.



Evolution is constant creation and perfection.
Creativity also represents the continuous innovation and the process of ceaseless perfection.
Everyone calibrates themselves in the course of VS between sub-ideal and the reality, eventually, metamorphosis will be accomplished. Local- business by no means can cause any impact on our international-vision.
Can also work when we restore the creative ideas to reality during which we can always accurately find the right fulcrum.
People, fear of the future. But the future is created by our unique mode anyway not only for ourselves but also for the world
Future is in our hands, also belongs to everyone. The youth who has aspiration to achieve the continuous improvements with innovation ideas
We create the future. We are the future…

Our Philosophy......
CAT provides the splendid innovation, High quality construction and International service to assist our client to achieve the imagination of the exhibition and marketing goal.
Build client dynamic analysis files through corporation. Then provide professional and guide solution for exhibition to demonstrate in the further marketing.
Our outstanding services and international view will achieve your company in earning more attention onto your business.

FOV Studio 可以称之为国内设计行业未来最先进的门户网站。每天会从欧美大陆空运最新鲜的讯息,伴着东方的日出为每一位思想者提供最尖端的创意和超乎常人的思维方式。我们是一批仍旧抱有理想的人-虽然生活的作息与常人没什么不同,但我们的眼界每天都穿越在欧亚之间。
从完全现代艺术创意到建筑结构艺术;从普通的展示设计讯息再到时尚尖端的Fashion Show……我们不落下世界每个角落,将它们原封不动的搬到您的眼前。我们是炎黄子孙,所以将FOV Studio定位中国放眼世界,希望能够带动更多人去追逐思想、尊重设计……。我们的梦想将从“从东方看世界到让世界看到中国。”
FOV Studio as the most advanced portals in domestic design industry. Air-express the latest design information everyday from Europe and America, all this information creating and breeding extraordinary way of thinking as well as innovative ideas for each composer along with the oriental sunrise. We are a group of ambitious people with aspiration which keep lingering between Europe and Asia.

As the originator of FOV, we hope and believe that we can escape from the commercial effection on thinking and design idea by virtue of the advanced operating model from Europe. We always seek for pure soul thought and original art idea.

We take original information in every corners of the whole world to you, not only including modern original art and architectural construction, but also exhibition news and the most top fashion show. FOV Studio will also look at the whole world as viewed from China and to expect more and more people will join our team and follow us. As the chinese offspring, we convinced that one day the world attention will focus on us, on China.

Military Factory(军工厂),名字源于80年代末欧洲兴起的废旧工厂改造运动。很多年轻的设计师,将低廉的废旧军工厂改造创作自己的工作室。军工厂(设计团队)集合亚欧顶尖设计师,定位于国际级客户及世界知名博物馆项目的设计方案。专业的国际纵队,用设计的表现形式为客户阐述着价值的定义。
Military Factory由中国旅欧学者和业内专业设计师于2000年共同创办,以“低调的奢华”做为理念,突出低调、深沉。让客户自我发现、自我认知的诉求。且对客户的选择远远超过客户对他们的选择。专业的团队和与世不同的理念,也诠释出设计所应拥有的特质。而“低调的奢华”也不断在成长中赢得掌声。
Military factory derived from the movement called “The Waste Plant Reform” in Europe at the end of 80s of the last century. At that time, many young designers reconstructed their own studios with taking advantage of all these old and obsolete military factories. The Military Factory design team of CAT gathers with a large number of elites which take the international-class customers and world-renowned museums as the target market.. This professional design team will express their view and Brand Connotation with the design plans.

Military factory had been established by returned students from Europe and professional designers in 2000. The philosophy is “Keeping luxury in low profile”. Meanwhile, we convinced that professional design team and unique ideas will not only show brand quality, but also lead the clients to reknow and recognize themselves. In the growing process, we have more and more initiative on choosing clients, not to be chosen. And we also have won favorable comment and recognition from customers in the growing days.
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